We will cultivate student success.
Meet undergraduate enrollment targets for Pittsburgh campus by 2025 and 2028.
Broaden graduate enrollment (professional, master’s).
20,720 / 22,000
Up 15% by 2028
- Develop and complete Comprehensive Strategic Enrollment Plan by 2026 on regional campuses.
- Expand Pitt Success Pell Program.
Access and Affordability
Lower average student debt.
Grow percentage of Pell-eligible students.
Reduce annually.
Increase annually.
- Launch Finish Line Grants by 2024.
- Launch PittForce portfolio by 2026.
- Amplify College Cost Transparency Initiative.
- Expand Pitt Success Pell Program.
Elevate Association of American Universities (AAU) publics ranking of first- to second-year retention for Pittsburgh campus.
Improve year over year.
- Launch Finish Line Grants by 2024.
- Amplify PittACT (Advisor Certification and Training Program).
Improve student well-being.
Improve response to the ACHA-NCHA Survey question:
“I feel that students’ health and well-being are a priority of my college/university.”
- Launch Wellness Concierge by 2024.
- Pilot Wishes Survey by 2024.
- Launch Pitt Housing Plan by 2025.
Programmatic Excellence
Accreditation is and remains at highest levels year over year.
Current each year
- Launch revised general education requirements by 2028.
- Launch Center for Excellence in Digital Education by 2024.
- Launch PittForce portfolio by 2026.
- Complete student awards plan by 2025.
Improve AAU publics ranking of four-year graduation rate (Pittsburgh campus).
Improve year over year.
- Launch Finish Line Grants by 2024.
Grow undergraduate outcome rate.
Augment engagement with unique alumni annually.
98% (Pitt) / 85.7% national average
Undergraduate career outcome rate will exceed the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) national average by 8-10%.
55,000 by 2026 as standard recommended by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
- Amplify Pitt Career Platforms.
- Expand Affinity Network Programs.
We will propel scholarship, creativity and innovation.
Increase research / elevate Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) ranking.
Reinforce medical research ranking.
$1.156 billion
Top 10
Increase annually.
Top 10 in medical research ranking of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding year over year
- Elevate Research Concierge service.
- Leverage Big Proposal Bootcamp.
- Amplify Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Professions Initiative.
- Launch Forge Your Path Initiative for faculty.
- Expand industry-sponsored research.
Grow number of new startups / Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) ranking of startups launched.
Elevate number of invention disclosures / National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted U.S. Utility Patents.
Improve year over year.
Grow per annum.
- Launch Technology Commercialization Hub Initiative by 2025.
- Launch IP Revenue Plan by 2025.
We will be welcoming and engaged.
Represent the Community We Serve
Represent the community we serve.
Broaden direct / nondirect nonconstruction spend among diverse suppliers.
15% (Pitt) / 21.1% (Pennsylvania)
Establish baseline in 2024 / 25.2% (Pennsylvania)
18.4% three-year average (direct) / 13% (nondirect; 0.3% - local Black-owned businesses)
Reduce gap in student representation relative to Pennsylvania census by 2028.
Improve faculty representation by 2028.
Reduce gap in staff representation relative to Pennsylvania census by 2028.
20% three-year rolling average (direct) / establish target by 2025 (nondirect)
- Develop Comprehensive Strategic Enrollment Plan by 2026.
- Update and Expand Supplier Diversity Program by 2025.
Expand sense of belonging (Student Experience in the Research University - SERU survey).
Set baseline by 2024.
- Advance Campus Climate Assessment.
- Expand Affinity Programs.
Employer of Choice
Elevate employee experience and engagement.
Set baseline by 2025.
- Launch Employee Engagement Survey by 2025.
- Labor Relations Initiative
- Complete Pay Equity Analysis by 2025.
- Complete Staff Recognition Plan by 2025.
Community Engagement
Achieve Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement through the American Council on Education (ACE).
Uphold designation.
Uphold designation in 2026.
- Application for Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement by 2026
Global Engagement
Grow percentage completing global experiences and / or global credentials.
Increase per annum.
- Elevate Pitt’s Global Engagement Plan.
We will promote accountability and trust.
Operational Transparency
Reduce administrative overhead.
Set baseline as percent of budget devoted to administrative overhead by 2024.
- Conduct Administrative Cost Analysis by 2024.
- Complete transition to budget model by 2025.
- Complete Shared Strength Initiative by 2028.
- Balancing subventions
Update campus master plan and create 10 IT Horizon Plan.
- Update Campus Master Plan by 2025.
- Create 10 IT Horizon Plan by 2025.
Amplify Our Story
Improve our external impact and reach.
67 / 32 (2024)
Improve U.S. News & World Report Best National University / Publics rankings year over year.
- Create Brand and Strategic Communications Platform by 2024.
- Commence Comprehensive Campaign by 2026.
- Refresh Economic Impact Study by 2025.
- Learfield Rankings (spring / final).
Free Exchange of Ideas
Elevate free exchange of ideas campuswide and nationally.
- Participate in Citizens and Scholars’ Campuswide Immersion Pilot through 2026.
- Year of Discourse and Dialogue
It’s Possible at Pitt.
Life Sciences
Build and complete BioForge facility.
Complete by 2028.
- Launch Health Sciences Innovation Initiative by 2026.
Sustainability, Thriving Communities and the Future of Energy
Elevate sustainability, thriving communities and the future of urban energy in our communities.
- Establish Times Higher Ed Impact Ranking by 2024.
- Establish Future of Urban Energy in Communities Initiative by 2025.
- Health Implications of Climate Initiative
- Carbon neutrality by 2037
Assistive Technologies
Serve as a national leader in assistive technologies.
- Expand Momentum Funds Scaling Grants.
- Health Sciences Translational Neuroscience Institute
Digital Future
Cultivate learning and educating in an artificial intelligence / digital future.
- Launch Digital Future Initiative by 2024.